Monday, April 27, 2009

New Tutorial (You make my head spin)

I have a new Tutorial today..... I hope you enjoy it if there are any problems please let me know....
It is Called You make my head spin and it is here

Saturday, April 25, 2009

2 new heart frames and 4 small square frames

Please do not share my supplies in a locked or pay to use site. You are welcome to use them in tutorials or in your tag designs. If sharing in tutorials or as a group challenge all I ask is for a link back where you got them please. These may be colorized to suit your tag.......

Enjoy Charlotte
Click here to download the square frames.

The heart frames are previewed smaller than actual size.
Click here to download the heart frames.
My tutorials are hosted here

Monday, April 13, 2009

New Tutorial (Joel Framed)

Finally lol.........
I have a new tutorial posted........ It is located on my non posting Yuku group located >>> Joel Framed .....
I hope you enjoy it. I have more coming just taking me some time......
Remember any of my old stuff has the old msn addies on it. If you share or use it please replace it with either my blog addy or my yuku tut group addy.
Also remember NON of my Scraps require a URL........ Unless you use it alone. If used with another artist no need to credit me and if you do please use Scrap kit by and give the copyright to the artist.......
I know most of you know this info but some stuff has come up lately in groups and wanted to clarify this part.....
Thank you all for your patience